Monday, January 3, 2011

Take the political news survey

The Pew Research Center does these quizzes periodically.  Go here.  Take the quiz and see how literate you are on political issues of the day.  How did you do?  How many of these issues relate to course material?


  1. I got 10/12. I guess listening to NPR pays off. It's a bit unnerving however to see that the majority, the people who elect others into office, scored under 6

  2. I got 11/12. I agree with Laura in that I attribute this success to NPR.

  3. 8 out of 12. This is better than I expected, actually. I have never paid much attention to politics, in all honesty.

  4. I got 10/12 too. I missed the one about the Android phone operating system (I have an android). So that makes me doubly ignorant about technology I guess.

  5. I got 4/12...ooops. I attribute this poor performance to lack of political knowledge and interest.

  6. 11/12. Hardly follow American politics though so I am quite surprised. I guess being a poli sci and econ major did some good after all!
    The Android question was more of an elimination process for me too though.

  7. 8/12... I would not claim to be extremely well versed in the political department by any means, so I'll chalk that up in the win section!

  8. 11 out of 12. Hot damn! I think i listen to NPR way too much!
